M a r k e t N e w s
Tanzania: 250 KM Power Line To Be Ready Soon
Posted on : Wednesday, 1st June 2016
Dodoma — EXECUTION of the 250-kilometre of power line from Makambako in Njombe Region to Songea in Ruvuma region at a cost of 34.68 million US dollars and 15.41bn/- is expected to be completed by June 2018, the National Assembly heard yesterday.
Among others, the first phase of the project will involve expansion of a power sub-station at Makambako and construction of new 220/33Kv stations at Madaba and Songea, Deputy Minister for Energy and Minerals, Dr Medard Kalemani, said yesterday.
"The second phase will involve construction of distribution lines with the capacity of 33 kilovolts covering 900 kilometres where 22,700 new customers will be connected to electricity in 120 villages. "Residents to benefit from the new connections are in Ludewa, Njombe Rural and Urban, Mbinga, Namtumbo in addition to Songea Urban and Rural," he explained.
According to Dr Kalemani, the second phase is expected to cost US $37.63 million dollars and 6.51bn/- and it is slated to be completed by December 2017.
The explanation by the Deputy Minister was prompted by a basic question by Songea Urban MP, Mr Leonidas Gama (CCM) who had wanted to know when Ruvuma Region would be connected to the National Grid as it currently uses power from diesel-fired generators.
The MP went on to complain of what he described as erratic and power shortage in the region since it was not connected to the national grid.
In response however, Dr Kalemani stressed that power generation in Ruvuma even as it is not supplied with electricity from the grid was far beyond consumption. "Installed capacity for electricity production is at 9.5MW and yet consumption currently stands at 4.7MW and thus translating to excess of 4.8MW," the Deputy Minister explained.
Dr Kalemani was thus optimistic that completion of the Makambako-Songea power project will address once and for all power challenges and open the region for investment undertakings.
Source : allafrica.com