M a r k e t N e w s
Kenya: ARM Invests in New Cement Technology
Posted on : Saturday, 7th November 2015
Cement maker ARM Group has rolled out a new a technology in a bid to reduce the cost of construction.
Chief executive Pradeep Paunrana blamed high cost of housing on expensive technologies in the construction industry.
"We need to build more economically to keep prices of finished houses within reach of final users, something that will not cost an arm and a leg for a house or office owner," he said in a statement. "We can achieve this by ensuring that the materials that go into the construction of housing units are cheaply sourced and technologies are there to help us do this."
Through the new technology, he said, ARM produces high end cement which enables developers make concretes of class 70. Paunrana said such concretes are usually used to put up tall buildings of up to 50 floors - a direction the sector is increasingly heading due to limited land.
Source : allafrica.com