East Africa: Get 38 tonnes of seeds distributed in semi-arid regions
Posted on : Friday, 9th October 2015
The county government has started distributing over 38 tonnes of maize, millet, sorghum and cowpeas to farmers in Mbeere North and Mbeere South. Governor Martin Wambora said the exercise will enable more farmers to access the input thus help to improve agricultural production in the county. He said they are providing residents with subsidized fertilizers and certified seeds so as to boost crop production in the region and move away from giving its residents relief food. "These are seeds of hope for my people to improve the agricultural production, rural income generation, and reach the goal of national food security in the long term," he said at the launch of the exercise in Nganduri area in Mbeti South on Monday. He said his government is keen in promoting competitive and commercial oriented agriculture through utilization of modern and efficient agricultural technologies.