M a r k e t N e w s
Kenya: Erin Energy awarded licence extension offshore Kenya - still seeking farm-in partners
Posted on : Thursday, 10th September 2015
Erin Energy has obtained an eighteen-month extension of the Initial Exploration Period (IEP) of its offshore Kenya Blocks, L27 and L28. The IEP on blocks L27 and L28 has been extended to February 2017.
'We are delighted to receive this eighteen-month extension,' said Segun Omidele, Senior Vice President, Exploration and Production. 'This additional time to evaluate these blocks will allow us to acquire 3D seismic data and to look for suitable partners on the blocks.'
The extension of the IEP of the Production Sharing Contracts for Blocks L27 and L28 is effective as of August 9, 2015. The required work remaining includes the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of 3D seismic data on both blocks. Erin Energy is the operator and has a 100% interest in both offshore blocks.