M a r k e t N e w s

Kenya: Milk Coolers for Pokot South Farmers

Posted on : Tuesday, 19th August 2014

West Pokot County: Dairy farmers from Tapach and Sina areas in Pokot South Sub County have a reason to smile after the County government purchased two milk cooling plants to boost milk production.
Addressing residents outside his office after flagging off the machines, West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin said the project is aimed at improving dairy farming in the region.
He said the County government has spent Sh.25 million to purchase five coolers and already three have been dispatched to the highland areas while two are still on transit.
“We want our farmers to produce more milk because they have now a place to preserve their milk before being transported to processing plant. The County government is committed to ensure dairy farming is promoted in this region,” said Kachapin.
The County chief pointed out that initially the region had a few cooling plants and farmers were unable to deliver their milk to the plants since roads were impassable during rain seasons.
The five plants will be put strategically close to farmers to ensure they can store their milk well and reduce spoilage that had in past cost farmers millions of shillings.
He added that the County government is also in the process of rehabilitating roads and also opening up new roads in the region to ease accessibility to the markets.
“Many roads are being opened up now to ensure farmers can easily transport their milk to the plants. In some parts farmers have been using donkeys only to transport milk since the roads were impassable especially during rainy season,” he said.
County executive for Livestock and Fisheries Josiah Cheruiyot urged farmers in the region to take advantage of the new milk coolers to produce more milk and improve their earnings.
He said the County government has employed extension officers to help farmers in the region as well as teaching them on new modern methods of farming.
Sina Dairy Farmers Association chairman Samuel Lotim thanked the County government for providing them with the new milk coolers and urged farmers to produce more milk.
He called on the County government to support farmers through exchange programs that will ensure farmers are well informed in the venture to boost productivity.
Meanwhile the governor on Tuesday officially opened Makutano Market after its renovation by the County government to improve its services.
The governor said the market has now better services to both business people and locals after the renovation.
Speaking after officially opening the market governor Kachapin said the refurbishment of the market will ensure business people conduct their business more efficiently and in a conducive environment.
He said the County government is conducting spatial planning for Makutano town to ensure it offers better services to locals and boost its economy.
The business community thanked the County government for the initiative and called on the ministry of trade to set up a kitty to offer them with loans.
The County government is currently opening up service lanes in the town, building parking bays and creation of drainage system in the town.

Source : www.westfm.co.ke
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