M a r k e t N e w s
Total completes gas pipeline section leading to Alaoji power plant
Posted on : Friday, 30th January 2015
Total exploration and production (E&P) has announced that it has completed work on a section of its Northern Option Pipeline (NOPL), from Kilometre (Km) 38 at Obigbo to Km 50 at Imo River, and is now set to convey gas to the National Integrated Power Plant (NIPP) at Alaoji along the Imo River in Abia state,Leadership reports.
The managing director of Total E&P Nigeria, Elisabeth Proust, commenting on the development, stated that the project was a clear demonstration of the company’s commitment to deliver ‘Better Energy.’
The NOPL is a 24 inch wide, 50km long pipeline under construction by Total E&P Nigeria (TEPNG) Ltd on behalf of the NNPC/TEPNG Joint Venture. When fully completed later this year, the project will deliver 100 million cubic feet of gas per day to this strategic power plant.
In an effort to ensure early gas supply to newly built power plants, the federal government requested TEPNG to complete a section of the NOPL from kilometre 38 at Obigbo to km 50 at Imo-River where the line connects to the Nigeria Gas Company (NGC) facilities.
While gas supplied to the Alaoji power plant in the interim period will come from Seven Energy, the NGC is however expected to transport gas through their pipeline and the section of the NOPL that has been completed by Total.
Source : energy mix report