M a r k e t N e w s
Tanzania: Bunge Committee Hails Nkasi Irrigation Project
Posted on : Monday, 19th January 2015
Namanyere — MEMBERS of the Parliamentary Local Authorities' Accounts Committee (LAAC) hailed
Ms Bura made the call when winding up a twoday working tour over the weekend in which members of LAAC visited and inspected various development projects.Earlier, the Nkasi District Council Agriculture Officer, Mr Dotto Nonga told the LAAC delegation that construction of the irrigation scheme is undertaken by the council through District Agriculture Development Programme (DADPs) funded by Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP).
"The project was initiated by the public in 2005 and it will benefit 3,200 hectares of land suitable for irrigation, over 9,546,000,000/- will be spent on the project until its completion," he added.Construction of the scheme would involve construction of a dam at the cost of over 6bn/- according to estimates of 2010/11 done by zonal irrigation officials, and construction of irrigation infrastructures would cost over 3.5bn/-."The construction started officially during the 2010/11 financial year after the district council received funds from the District Irrigation Development Fund (DIDF)," he said.
Mr Nonga also noted that the scheme will be constructed in three phases involving construction of the main canal stretching over a kilometre at the cost of over 214m/-, secondary canal which stretches seven kilometres at the cost of 62m/- and aqueduct which would cost over 36m-.
Source : http://allafrica.com/stories/201501160293.html